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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blame it On Bob Loblaw

re: average American?  the system is stacked against you...

by Teresa Kuhn, JD, RFC, CSA
Living Wealthy Radio.Com

My Bank on Yourself (r) practice affords me many opportunities to hear the stories of ordinary, hard-working Americans; stories of major setbacks, financial devastation, and, many times, stories about how becoming more financially savvy has turned things around.

Educating people about the alternatives to Wall Street risk and banking industry rip-offs is the most gratifying aspect of  my job.  I am able to help people just like you gain more control over their financial destinies while becoming smarter about how to protect and preserve their assets.

Not a Practicing Attorney...But Not Immune to Lawyer Jokes

While no longer a practicing attorney, having the JD after my name does expose me to more than a few lawyer jibes.  A friend of mine sent me the following clip from the TV program Arrested Development.

While it was obviously intended as a parody of those cheesy lawyer commercials one sees on local television stations, there is a more serious subtext.

More and more people are waking up to how corrupt and rigged our current economic system is and how many criminal types are working behind the scenes to ensure that ordinary Americans just like you never, ever have their fair share of the pie.  And they can afford to hire whole law firms to ensure that they don't have to play fair...

Check out the clip, have a quick laugh, and ask yourself:

"Isn't it time you took charge of your own economy and stopped being subjected to Wall Street rip-offs?"

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