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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Owe, Yes! The difference between a billion and a trillion

re: It's hard to wrap your head around these numbers

by Teresa Kuhn, JD, RFC, CSA
Bank on Yourself Authorized Advisor
Host, Living Wealthy Radio

In general, I consider myself a fairly balanced, optimistic person. 

After all, I have had clients come to me reeling from financial mistakes from which they thought they would never recover and...

With a lot of hard work, persistence, and the right financial vehicles, we have been able to help them turn their lives around.

So, I have some cause for cautious optimism when it comes to the current "Great Correction."

That being said, when I run across graphics like these, I realize that the road to recovery for the United States will be a long, and at times, unpleasant one.

I also get a little dizzy watching the  National Debt Clock (www.usdebtclock.org) and it makes me wonder if we shouldn't start some kind of Debtors Anonymous for countries.  

Or, as fast as this clock is spinning, maybe we could harness the energy and convert it into free power to run the money printing presses...

From Demonocracy.info This is what the US "debt ceiling of 122 trillion dollars would look like stacked up in $100 bills..

Below: How much is a TRILLION stacked in $100 bills?  MIND BLOWING!

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