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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

If you're a business owner, then you need to listen to this...


re: how to sell your business the right way

by Teresa Kuhn, JD, RFC, CSA

There are many reasons successful business owners decide they are ready to sell their businesses and move on to another phase of their lives.

Unfortunately, the process for selling a business is outdated, frustrating, confusing, and often not financially beneficial to the seller.

Heath Frantzen and Patrick MacDonald are two businessmen who have not only bought and sold their own businesses, (examining over 300 deals in the process!) but have put together their own system for helping sellers avoid the hassles associated with old-school selling.

Patrick and Heath joined me on Living Wealthy radio recently to discuss how they help sellers create lifetime income from the sale of their businesses, pay less in taxes, and find the most qualified buyers.

If you think that you might want or need to sell your business in the future, listen to what Delta has to say.


PS: You can get your personal copy of Delta's report

How To Sell Your Business, Get Cash Flow For Life, And Pay Zero Taxes

by going here:


file under: selling your small business, how to sell a business the right way, business-brokers, no-more-business-brokers, how to sell your business without a broker, how to sell your Texas business, selling a business in Texas, find-best-Texas-broker, finding a good business broker, why business brokers suck, how to sell your business, get cash flow for life, and pay zero taxes. 

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