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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Do you know what a "short squeeze" is? What about a "gold lease?"

re: a short, excellent primer on Wall Street and finance

If you've ever wondered about some of the terminology thrown around by financial writers or television pundits, check out the great podcast with James Howard Kunstler and Chris Martenson.

You'll learn about the mysteries of "shorting" and going "long," as well as the interesting idea of leasing gold.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Another way to think about college planning

By Teresa Kuhn, JD. RFC, CSA
Living Wealthy Financial

College tuition rates are increasing at a breathtaking pace leaving many American parents tossing and turning at night wondering how, or if, they’ll be able to pay for college when the time comes.

Adding to this worry is the very real possibility that a decision of where to park college funds might turn out to be more important than standardized tests, grades, or extracurricular activities in determining a child’s ability to attend a college of their choice.

In fact, more and more parents have realized that, next to retirement planning, college planning is one of the most vexing, yet critical components in a family’s healthy financial future.   That’s why most parents are willing to undertake arduous, often frustrating steps to learn more about the choices they have when it comes to solid educational planning.

There are, of course, several acceptable methods of planning for a child’s higher education, including 529 plans, Uniform Gift to Minors Accounts (UGMA), Uniform Trust to Minors Accounts (UTMA), Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, and of course, ordinary savings and investment vehicles.   Each of these, as you probably suspect, each has its’ own advantages and disadvantages as well as its’ own unique rules and requirements.

Let’s take a look at one of the most popular ways people are currently choosing to plan for their child’s education, the 529 plan, and see how the pros and cons line up to help you determine whether or not this is a good choice for your child.

I’ll also explain a little-known way that, even if you have one of these plans and it seems to be working well, you can improve it and add to your peace of mind.

What IS a 529 Plan Anyway?

“529” refers to the section of the Internal Revenue Code that describes a government-administered savings plan that is designed to be a tax-advantaged way for people to save for qualified higher education expenses.

Such plans are usually sponsored by individual states and are regulated by state agencies under professional management. Qualified withdrawals are now free of federal tax and depending on the state in which you live; you can save in excess of $200,000 per beneficiary.

 Additionally, 529 plans have no income limitations or age restrictions.   You can start one no matter how much you make or how old the beneficiary may be.

While there are several advantages of 529 plans that make them attractive to parents, they also have certain non-negotiable requirements that could, depending on your individual circumstances, become problematic for you when the time comes for your child to use them.

For example, although 529’s have generally fewer restrictions on distributions and offer a place to shelter funds when financial aid is being calculated, they often offer few to no state tax incentives.
Another critical issue with 529 plans is the stipulation that funds may only be used for qualified educational expenses such as tuition, books, and room and board.

Should your child decide to not attend college, if he or she receives a full scholarship, or if your child wants to attend an unaccredited school, you are usually forced to either transfer the 529 funds to another beneficiary or withdraw them.

If you don’t have another qualified beneficiary, you can pull out the funds, subject to tax penalties.  These penalties could be substantial.   If you have been able to take state tax deductions, for example, you may wind up getting a bill for back taxes as well as a 10 percent penalty on earnings.

Because 529 plans are administered by the individual states, they vary substantially in quality.   An analysis of state plans published by Saving for College.com (http://www.savingforcollege.com/articles/2014-plan-performance-rankings-q1)
ranked New Jersey, District of Columbia, and California as having the best performing plans in 2014, based on an array of criteria over 3, 5 and 10 year periods.

According to Saving for College.com, New York, Alaska, and Utah were the three worst-performers.  Parents living in low-performing states might want to look into other alternatives to finance their children’s’ education.


Like most investment funds, the typical 529 savings plans charges a percentage of your investment to cover operating costs.  These fees vary from state to state and also depend on whether you purchase your plan directly from your state or buy it through a broker.

Citing a report by Financial Research Corporation, Forbes magazine points out the typical 529 plan offered through a state has an average annual fee of 0.69%.  A 529 sold through a broker has an average annual fee of 1.17%.

Explains Forbes, “Although the difference may seem negligible at first, it adds up. If you invested $10,000 over 18 years (assuming you’d get a 6% return), you could have $2,000 less in a 529 plan with a 1.17% fee, compared to a plan that charges 0.69%.”

Risk and reward?

Because they are tied to the market, earnings in a 529 plan are uncapped.  
However this ability to earn without limit is tempered by the inevitable amount of risk associated with investments tied to Wall Street.

While promotional materials and brokers often tout the “risk-free” nature of 529’s, the fact is that many states do not guarantee their plans, including Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia.

In certain states, you may have no commitment that your money will cover the cost of a college education if tuition hikes outpace your investments.

Fewer choices

Depending on the state in which you live, investment options within 529 plans can be limited.  In some states, you have only one investment option. 

A blended, balanced approach to college planning

Just as there is no “one size fits all” blueprint for retirement planning, there is also no one college planning vehicle that is perfect for everyone.  Each family has its’ own resources, challenges, and unique circumstances.

This is why I recommend that, regardless of whether or not you have one of the qualified government plans, you consider the power of a Bank on Yourself® plan to help you meet or exceed your college planning goals.

Here are just a few ways having a Bank on Yourself plan as either the cornerstone of your college planning or as a supplement to existing plans makes sense:

  • Flexibility.  529 distributions must be for "qualified education expenses”.  The cash you put into the specially-designed whole life policies like the ones used in Bank on Yourself plans can be used for anything.  So, if junior decides to skip college and become an entrepreneur, your BOY policy could be used as seed money to help him realize his dream.
  • No impact on financial aid calculations.  Unlike other savings vehicles, money you put into a Bank on Yourself policy is not used in determining eligibility for financial aid.
  • Liquidity. If you need to, you can borrow from your Bank on Yourself policy and then pay yourself back.  You get the interest, instead of a bank.  If circumstances ever forced you to skip a Bank on Yourself payment, your credit would not be impacted.
  • Safe, sane growth.  Since Bank on Yourself plans aren’t tied to the stock market, your money isn’t exposed to the risky business on Wall Street.  BOY offers safety and predictability. When you borrow from a Bank on Yourself policy, your money will continue to grow… as if you had never taken out a cent!
  • Tax advantages- When you have a professionally-tailored Bank on Yourself plan, your money is generally tax-free.  In fact, if you ever have to borrow from the policy, you will pay no fees, penalties, or taxes on that money.
  • No limits on how much you can contribute.  Bank on Yourself policies can be structured so that you can retain their advantages regardless of how much money you want to contribute.
  • Additional peace of mind with the death benefit.
  • Control.  With most qualified plans, allocation changes can only be done a specific number of times and dates on an annual basis.  Having money in a Bank on Yourself plan allows you to remove funds when you come across other attractive investment opportunities. For example, instead of paying college dorm or apartment expenses, if you had enough in your Bank on Yourself policy you could purchase a house or income-producing property where your child could live while they earned their degree.
  • Fewer limitations:  Most Bank on Yourself BOY plans can be structured to exceed the limits of a 529 plans, and they are not subject to the $350,000 lifetime limit of a 529 plan.
  • Beneficiary options: In a 529 plan, investors can change plan beneficiaries without penalty, at any time, and for any reason. However, 529 plans have family beneficiary restrictions.  A customized Bank on Yourself plan allows the owner to change the beneficiary to any person, or to a charity, as well as to choose multiple beneficiaries to receive whatever percentage deemed appropriate by the policy owner.
These are just a few of the reasons why I recommend that my clients consider adding the power of a well-designed Bank on Yourself plan to their college plans.  Having Bank on Yourself in addition to anything you already have in place is a great way to plug holes in your plan and create a more predictable path to college planning success.

You can learn more about how you can tap into the amazing potential of Bank on Yourself by going to the Living Wealthy Financial site at http://www.livingwealthyfinacial.com, or by calling us at 1-800-382-0830

Friday, October 10, 2014

Living Wealthy Goes British

re: check out our new Living Wealthy Financial  podcast commercial

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Two Great Living Wealthy Shows You Don't Want to Miss

re: free your mind

from Teresa:   Check out these recent shows with Nelson Nash, creator of the Infinite Banking System, and Harry Dent, contrarian economist and demographer.  Both of these shows really nailed it when it comes to dissecting the problems in our current economy.  Listen to how Nelson Nash became his own banker and avoided paying thousands of dollars in unnecessary interest and fees to bankers.  Harry Dent, financial media darling, also has some interesting things to say about why putting money into specially modified whole life policies is a pretty smart idea.

File under: "Bank on yourself," "infinite banking", "Nelson-Nash,"  "Harry-Dent," "Living-Wealthy-Radio," "whole-life-insurance,"

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Men- Keep Your Wealth By Keeping Your Health: A conversation with Dr. John LaPuma, MD.

I sat down recently with one of the most interesting men in the health and wellness movement, Dr. John La Puma.  Dr. La Puma believes that medicine has largely ignored men when it comes to diet, nutrition, and fitness advice.

He is on a mission to change all that with his revolutionary ideas about food as the ultimate medicine.  Dr. La Puma is a trained chef famous for creating healthy, delicious versions of the foods you love.

Check out the interview here:

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Why Bank on Yourself (R) Anyway?

by Kristin Colca
Living Wealthy Financial Group
Authorized Bank On Yourself Advisor


As a Bank on Yourself authorized advisor, I often find myself playing apologist for the system.

Regaining the use, liquidity and control of one's finances is, for many people, a concept that is far removed from all that they have learned about money.  Switching over to BOY requires a drastic shift away from traditional money wisdom and the willingness to objectively consider the claims made by BOY advisors.

I've put together a few of the most common objections, along with my responses to those objections, to give a better base from which to explore Bank On Yourself.  

If you'd like to learn more or receive our free, no obligation, no annoying sales calls information packet, contact me directly.

Kristin Colca
(512) 308-6658

Bank on Yourself frequently asked questions

Question :"No pain, no gain.  Isn't the stock market is the best, most reliable place to park your money?"

Kristin's response: 

When you look at the total return of the S&P 500 (including reinvested dividends), the real (inflation-adjusted) purchasing power of your investments remains negative after thirteen years. (referring to the graph on page 23 of The Bank on Yourself Revolution.

Question: How can you say there is "no risk" for BOY policyholders?  Isn't it an investment?

Kristin's response:

A whole life insurance policy is not an investment. In fact is is illegal to refer to it as an investment in most states. Per the Texas Department of Insurance, "Life insurance isn't an investment. An investment is a financial risk- you might make money, but you might also lose some or all of your money. In contrast, life insurance pays a guaranteed death benefit."

Question: How does BOY save you money off your taxes?  Isn't it taxed just like an IRA?

Kristin's response:

You will owe taxes on every penny you take from traditional retirement accounts in retirement. If someone retires at an effective tax rate of 20% or 25%, the 5.38% return is reduced to 4.30% or 4.03% respectively. Add that to the 1% minimum account fee and the 5.38% return is likely to be close to a 3% annual return. 

Question: If this is so great, why don't I know more people who are using it?

Kristin's response:

Leveraging the power of permanent life insurance is a wealth preservation and growth technique that has been used by business owners and upper class individuals for years.  Many people have used this method, including Walt Disney, J.C. Penney, and Doris Christopher, who launched The Pampered Chef with a whole life insurance policy loan.

For more questions and answers about Bank On Yourself, check out my recent interview on Living Wealthy Radio. Go here to listen now:


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pamela Yellen-Bank On Yourself Workshop-Austin

re: great event- thanks to you all

Thanks everyone who took time out from their busy lives to join us as the Austin Club on April 10th to hear the latest from bestselling author and Bank On Yourself (c) creator.

Here are a few photos from the event.

Pamela Yellen took time to chat with Living Wealthy
clients and sign copies of The Bank On Yourself
Recolution for attendees.

 Getting caught up in The Bank On Yourself Revolution,
Pamela's latest.

 The fabulous women of Living Wealthy Financial 
Group vamping at the Pamela Yellen event in Austin.

Teresa Kuhn practicing her standup routine
Hey!  What's a Bank On Yourself event without some
money-shaped thingabobbers to give away to attendees?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Living Wealthy Radio: Adam Kokesh- Freedom and Civil Disobedience Activist

re: talking about freedom with Adam Kokesh

You won't believe what activist Adam Kokesh has to say about freedom, the Constitution, and a government gone wild.

Check out the interview recording here:


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Obamacare Update #Obamacare Interview With Rick Liuag (excerpt)

File under #obamacarenews, Obamacare, Covered California,
Medicare, Medicare Supplements, Life Insurance, Health Insurance

by Teresa Kuhn, JD, RFC, CSA

On April  20th, I brought back Obamacare and health insurance expert Rick Liuag for an update on what has happened since enrollment has closed.

Many, if not most of Rick's predictions about what would happen after the implementation have borne out, with many states reporting longer wait times and higher rates.

Now, Rick claims, seniors on Medicare will begin to feel the sting.  Get the full one hour interview by going to:


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Is Your Brain Getting Fried By Grains?

re: Our special interview with Dr. David Perlmutter, author of the #1 NY Times bestseller, "Grain Brain."

FILE UNDER: Gluten-free-diet, brain health, improving brain function, Alzheimer's disease, preventing dementia, very low carbohydrate diets, paleo diets, Atkins diet, healthy fat in diet, eat more fat to lose weight

from Teresa Kuhn...

I had an unique opportunity to interview Dr. David Perlmutter, MD, a board-certfied neurologist and author of the bestselling, "Grain Brain."
Dr. Perlmutter is an advocate for achieving brain health by severely limiting carbohydrate intake, eliminating gluten, a protein found in wheat and barley, and eating more good fats like olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, and seeds.

Check out the interview now:

Friday, February 28, 2014

Pamela Yellen's New Book Is Here!

The Bank On Yourself strategy gives you a rare combination of guarantees, safety, liquidity, and control. Your money grows by a guaranteed and predictable amount every year, and that growth gets better every year you have it," Pamela Yellen- "The Bank on Yourself Revolution"

by Teresa Kuhn, JD, RFC, CSA
Authorized Bank On Yourself (r)  Advisor

Several years have passed since the publication of "Bank On Yourself," Pamela Yellen's first attempt at articulating for a wide audience the benefits of using specially-designed whole life insurance in financial planning. Since that time, the ever-fluid, ever- chimerical world of personal finance has grown even more unfathomable and unpredictable.

As a Bank On Yourself authorized advisor, I believe that a sequel to the original Bank On Yourself book was long overdue. This is why I was so pleased to learn of the publication of this second, more comprehensive discussion of a truly unique cash management system.

In the sequel, The Bank On Yourself Revolution, Yellen has gone to considerable effort to deconstruct the Bank On Yourself method in a way that makes it even more accessible and understandable to the average person. She lays out a concise, solid, yet still passionate case for using specially-designed, dividend-paying whole life insurance policies as vehicles for preserving and growing wealth. When put together correctly, she says, these policies build up cash value as quickly as possible and provide unparalleled safety and security.

Yellen explains that a person can make tax-free withdrawals and loans from the accumulated cash value in the policy to finance large purchases, such as college tuition, automobiles, and cash-producing real estate. You use your policy and are able to pay yourself back, with the loan secured by the death benefit. This idea, which has been around in various forms for well over 150 years, is referred to by some as "becoming your own finance company." Yellen does a good job of explaining the ideas behind Bank On Yourself without losing the reader in a fog of insurance-speak or marketing hype.

Implicit in her explanations is the understanding that anyone wanting to use the system laid out in BOYR should do their own due diligence. It is definitely not for everyone.

In The Bank On Yourself Revolution it is evident that Yellen has put a lot more thought and effort into the content and layout of the book, making navigation from topic to topic easier and keeping her commentary focused and free of anything that could be perceived as excessive verbiage. She does an admirable job of making the ideas presented clear and easy to understand, even for those who have little financial education.

The Bank On Yourself Revolution introduces us to some old school financial concepts that Yellen admits aren't "sexy," but which work, such as the "10-10-10" money management method and the common sense idea of not having much debt. She makes a strong case for designer whole life polices over both term insurance and the always trendy indexed universal life (IUL) policies

Nice additions to this volume are the "takeaways" at the end of chapters which give the reader nuggets of information designed to be easy to grasp, retain and implement. Yellen also includes stories of real-life users of the system ranging from housewives to entrepreneurs to former professional athletes. Such anecdotes obviously have value, especially to financial professionals who are introducing the concept to their clients for the first time.

People feel better knowing that "real people" just like themselves are finding success with Bank On Yourself.

The Bank On Yourself Revolution makes for an entertaining read and is a worthy contribution to a growing body of evidence supporting the wisdom of using permanent life insurance in financial planning. If you are someone who is looking for alternatives to banks, Wall Street, and finance companies, this book will help you understand one such alternative- Bank On Yourself.

For more in-depth discussion of the topics explored in The Bank on Yourself Revolution, please visit the Living Wealthy Financial site.
File under: Yellen, Pamela. "The Bank On Yourself Revolution" published February, 2014 by Benbella Books.

Learn more about financial topics that are important to you and your family. Visit http://www.livingwealthyradio.com or call us toll free to receive free information.
(800) 382-0830 (USA ONLY)
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teresa_Kuhn

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8352195

Thursday, February 20, 2014

9 Reasons You Shouldn't Use A Business Broker to Sell Your Business

re: short presentation from Delta Business Services

by Teresa Kuhn

I've mentioned before why business brokers might not be the best people to trust with the very important task of selling your business.

Here's a 10 minute presentation from Delta Business Services that gives you some of the most important reasons for not using a broker when you sell your business.


Monday, February 10, 2014

20 Reasons You Shouldn't Use A Business Broker...

re:check out this new article from our friends at Delta Business Services

20 Reasons You Should Never Use A Business Broker When You Sell Your Business

by Heath Frantzen
Delta Business Services

Nearly 80% of all business owners, even highly successful ones, admit that they don't have a plan for exiting their businesses.

Owners often fail to make succession plans because they have assumptions about the future which may or may not be true.

For example, a business owner may believe that his business will naturally pass to his spouse or other family member. What happens, though, if that designated family member is unwilling or unable to take the reins?

Another common assumption owners make that causes them to avoid succession planning is the idea that they will be able to run the business until they die. They don't put a plan in place because they don't like to think about the possibility of having to leave the business sooner than planned, perhaps due to ill health or family problems.

What happens in the absence of proper exit planning is that am owner can find him or herself in the unanticipated position of having to sell quickly, perhaps for less money than they need in retirement.
Frustrated, tired, stressed, and sometimes ill, business owners who need to sell make what they feel is a logical decision and turn the process over to their local business broker.

Read the entire article here:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

If you own a business... you can't forget to do THIS

re: do you have a business exit plan in place?

posted by Teresa Kuhn
Living Wealthy Financial

An amazing number of successful business owners (nearly 80%!) lack even a basic plan for what will happen if they want or need to leave the business.

I encourage all my clients to have viable, updated business succession plans in place so that if a life circumstance forces them to leave their company, they won't have to make hasty decisions that might cost them money.

If you are a business owner or self-employed professional who does not have a business exit strategy, or if you work with business owners, then you'll want to attend our special free webinar on February 11th.

Heath Frantzen, founder of Delta Business Services, will host this information-packed event.  Heath is one of the top acquisition experts in the country and has a deep understanding of what it takes to sell a business.

This one hour webinar will focus on the basics of exiting a business the right way, so that the seller and buyer both achieve their goals and the sale is effected in a timely, stress-free manner.

Anyone who owns a business or works with business owners is welcome to attend.  There is no charge and participants will get a free copy of Heath's latest report.

Go here now and reserve your spot:


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Common mistakes most people make that can rob them of valuable retirement money…and how you can avoid them

If you aren’t careful, you could wind up needlessly giving away thousands in taxes and interest! 

By Teresa Kuhn JD, RFC,
CSA LivingWealthyfinancial.com

Physician, heal thyself… As an attorney and Registered Financial Consultant, I thought I knew a lot about how money works.

After all, I made my living showing people how to plan successful retirements and how to avoid paying unnecessary taxes.

I read the financial news journals religiously, spent time on websites so I could stay in the loop, and attended all kinds of continuing education workshops and seminars…

However, it wasn’t until I took a long hard look at my own financial plan that I begin to notice some holes in it; holes that had the potential to leak out thousands of dollars in interest and fees and potentially sink my financial future.

When I starting digging into how finance really works, I discovered some of the dirty little secrets that banks and financial services companies had hidden from me for years; secrets that were taking the hard-earned money out of my pocket and putting it to theirs… for no good reason.

The myths and misconceptions of traditional financial planning were taking their toll on my retirement account! Combine this lost money with the effects of the pummeling most of us were getting on Wall Street, and I was looking at a situation that threatened to derail my retirement plans as well as those of my clients. I felt compelled to take this new information about how money really works and discover a systematic approach to help my clients avoid potentially devastating mistakes in planning their practice exit strategies.

 Like you, many of my clients are physicians, facing the same financial challenges and experiencing the same uncertainty about their futures. Many of them have incurred debt from medical school and are working hard to grow and maintain a practice, investing thousands of dollars in doing what it takes to stay in business.

It’s true… many of my clients earn a lot more than the average American, but when I talk to them, they express frustration that they seem to have so little to show for all that hard work and outlay of capital. of them earn a substantial income finding that you have little to show for your hard work. Why? Because your money hasn't been working hard for you.

With so much economic uncertainty it's hard to know how to plan ahead or where to put your money for the greatest returns. We've all seen first hand that the old rules about accumulating a safety net of capital no longer apply. I offer an investment vehicle that even I used to think sounded too good to be true. But once I put it to the test for my own family, I realized that it was indeed a safe way to grow your money, keep virtually all of it for yourself, and protect it from market volatility.

In fact, I believe in the concept so completely I focus 100% of my energy on educating others about the benefits of this concept. It's still a relatively unknown concept for managing your money and it's called Bank On Yourself (BOY). Here are a few highlights to help you understand how it works. First, it's based on a uniquely structured Whole Life Insurance policy.

Now there's a term conjures up images of Ned Ryerson, the relentless insurance guy who kept hounding Bill Murray's character all through the movie, Groundhog Day. But don't worry—this is definitely not Ned Ryerson's brand of insurance. Unlike standard Whole Life Insurance, BOY is a program that most financial/insurance advisors don't even know about. It takes special advanced training in order to understand all the possible benefits and only qualified advisors can tailor the package to fit your individual needs.

When it's designed properly, it can give you guaranteed growth and a level of safety and flexibility that you simply can't match with other investments or savings plans. With a BOY policy, the value steadily increases by a contractually guaranteed amount each year and the principle is never affected by a gyrating stock market.

But there's more. Let's say you need expensive new equipment for your practice. When you borrow money from a lending institution, there's one detail that most of us prefer to ignore. It's the inconvenient truth about the amount of interest we end up paying the bank. But what if you could borrow the money from yourself (from your BOY-structured insurance policy) and then pay yourself back . . .with interest? Not only would you be building equity in your policy by paying yourself the interest normally paid to banks, you actually recoup the cost of the equipment.

You essentially finance purchases yourself while protecting your equity and you get a death benefit to boot. The policy can be structured so that the amount you borrow from yourself will have no effect on the dividends you receive, plus under current tax laws, your gains are tax-free.

In other words, your money continues to work for you even when you have borrowed the money out of the policy! Naturally this method of investing requires some patience as it takes time to accumulate enough equity to cover the costs of your purchases.

But think of it as a start-up business—you put time and money into any new endeavor before you begin to reap the benefits. The Bank on Yourself concept can also be used to fund your retirement, college for the kids, or any number of other applications.

There are many benefits that I haven't begun to cover here, but as a qualified BOY advisor, I'm ready to give you a free analysis and show you how this unique product can help you meet your specific goals.

File under: bank-yourself, become-your-own-source-financing, avoid-paying-unecessary-taxes, BOY, infinite-banking, finance-your-large-purchases, best-cash-flow-management, how-grow-your-business, business-financing, best-insurance-advisor-austin, best-financial-planner-austin, financial-advisor-texas

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

If you're a business owner, then you need to listen to this...


re: how to sell your business the right way

by Teresa Kuhn, JD, RFC, CSA

There are many reasons successful business owners decide they are ready to sell their businesses and move on to another phase of their lives.

Unfortunately, the process for selling a business is outdated, frustrating, confusing, and often not financially beneficial to the seller.

Heath Frantzen and Patrick MacDonald are two businessmen who have not only bought and sold their own businesses, (examining over 300 deals in the process!) but have put together their own system for helping sellers avoid the hassles associated with old-school selling.

Patrick and Heath joined me on Living Wealthy radio recently to discuss how they help sellers create lifetime income from the sale of their businesses, pay less in taxes, and find the most qualified buyers.

If you think that you might want or need to sell your business in the future, listen to what Delta has to say.


PS: You can get your personal copy of Delta's report

How To Sell Your Business, Get Cash Flow For Life, And Pay Zero Taxes

by going here:


file under: selling your small business, how to sell a business the right way, business-brokers, no-more-business-brokers, how to sell your business without a broker, how to sell your Texas business, selling a business in Texas, find-best-Texas-broker, finding a good business broker, why business brokers suck, how to sell your business, get cash flow for life, and pay zero taxes. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Secrets to Lifetime Financial Security: A New Book from Pamela Yellen, featuring Teresa Kuhn


Recently, Teresa was asked to contribute to Pamela Yellen's latest project, 
"The Secret to Lifetime Financial Security." 

This book discussed the Bank on Yourself (TM) method from the perspective of real advisors who are using it on a daily basis with their clients.

The Secret toLifetime Financial Security" launched last month, and has already hit SEVEN Best-Sellers lists in the following rankings and categories!
  • #1 Budget and Money Management  
  • #3 Introduction to Investing  
  • #4 Investing  
  • #5 Personal Finance  
  • #6 Entrepreneurship   
  • #6 Small Business & Entrepreneurship  
  • #46 Business & Investing
I know you'll enjoy learning even more about the secrets to becoming your own source of financing and learn how others are using this amazing money management tool to create and preserve wealth.  Get your copy here:
